Episode 15 - Navigating Relationships & Political Differences

Season #2

Episode 15 - Navigating Relationships & Political Differences

At a time where political polarization is at peak levels, many people are considering whether to end relationships with people who have different perspectives than them. And many people are confused about why someone might end a relationship over political differences. After all, aren’t politics ‘just politics?’ If only it were that simple.

This episode breaks things down with a mental health perspective for understanding relationships and interpersonal boundaries. We’re talking about core values, and what happens when people have vastly different values than you, and what emotion’s come into play when someone’s values cause direct harm to you, people you care about and your groups. My hope is that you will listen to this episode and share with anyone else you know that may be grappling with these questions.


Links to articles discussed in this episode:

To read Katy’s blog post on Dialectical Thinking click HERE.

To listen to her podcast episode on practicing Non-Judgment, click HERE.

To sign up for my email list, click HERE to receive a free copy of my Life Balance Workbook. See you there!

(This content is not therapy or medical advice. Please read full disclaimer HERE.)


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